Turn your data into a competitive advantage

Data can help companies gain greater insights, increase productivity, and accelerate innovation cycles, ultimately transforming their products and services for the better. One of the tools we use to help guide businesses through this journey is the Data Pyramid.

In this video, hear from Ryan Johnson, Principal Algorithm Engineer at Twisthink, and Steve Honderd, Twisthink’s Chief Financial Officer, on how we use the Data Pyramid to evaluate where a company is in their data journey and uncover future growth opportunities.

Read the related blog
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IoT enables industries to work smarter, move faster, and optimize operations—all while paving the way for AI-driven innovation. Join us for a webinar on Tuesday, February 25th from 2-3 PM ET, where experts from Twisthink and AWS will share in-depth technical knowledge and real-world examples to help you build smarter, faster, and more resilient systems.