Air Quality Innovator

Strategy sessions lead to a detailed digital roadmap to achieve future IoT goals.

We helped our client’s leadership team visualize their goals and challenges


This Air Quality Innovation Leader engaged Twisthink at the very beginning of their digital transformation journey–they knew that digital strategy had to take a leading role in their company’s next steps, but aside from seeing potential in IoT solutions, they weren’t sure how best to begin, what gaps in knowledge to fill, and how to navigate efficiently toward the development of new products and offerings.

Where to Play and How to Win frameworks help identify opportunity areas

Work Summary

In the toolbox:

  • Immersion Workshops
  • Stakeholder Research & Analysis
  • Visual Storytelling
  • Trend Analysis

Over the course of 8-9 weeks, we used a “Discovery-Analyze-Create” workshop model to clearly capture what the collective leadership team believed are the best opportunities. From the framework developed in those sessions, we then defined and visualized a hypothesis IoT opportunity roadmap and vision that our client could validate through future customer research.

The main breakthroughs:


  • Clarifying stakeholder needs, key value propositions, and market opportunities, as well as what factors would guide their decision-making
  • Identifying key opportunity pathways for digital innovation and transformation
  • Prioritizing opportunity areas with a visualized roadmap to guide future discovery initiatives and build an innovation pipeline 


Our client emerged from the Digital Strategy workshops with a fully developed IoT Digital Transformation strategy that framed IoT business opportunities for its sensors and instrumentation solutions. Visual roadmap in hand, their organization found clarity, alignment, and excitement from the team, and momentum to proceed with their important goals.

Strategy Spotlight: 

Working to understand global trends and how they might apply to our customer’s industry and business, we led our client to think strategically about what actions to take today to secure their organization for tomorrow.

Strategy Spotlight: 

Visual journey mapping becomes an easy way for our client to reference the outcomes of deep conversations and see what knowledge gaps to fill in next.

Strategy Spotlight:

With Twisthink’s IoT + strategy experts alongside the internal product + customer experts, we “twisted” together a truly unique, value-creating opportunity hypothesis.


“Working with Twisthink’s Digital Strategy offering created momentum and alignment among our leadership. Now that we have a roadmap, we are excited to take the next step and go deeper into uncovering insights.”

– Air Quality Innovation Leader


Digital transformation,
with a twist.

Create unprecedented impact with Twisthink.
IoT enables industries to work smarter, move faster, and optimize operations—all while paving the way for AI-driven innovation. Join us for a webinar on Tuesday, February 25th from 2-3 PM ET, where experts from Twisthink and AWS will share in-depth technical knowledge and real-world examples to help you build smarter, faster, and more resilient systems.