Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Shared Spaces FAQs

Q: Who is the program for?
A: The program is for leaders from various industries seeking fresh perspectives and innovation opportunities.

Q: When is it?
A: Cohort meetings take place once a month for three consecutive months. The virtual 90-minute meetings will be on the 3rd Thursday of every month from 1-2:30 p.m. ET.

Q: Will I have to travel to support any of the monthly meetings?
A: No, the monthly meetings are virtual via Zoom.

Q: What do I get from the program?
A: Members will participate in three 90-minute sessions to explore trends and topics impacting every industry. These allow for knowledge learning and cross-collaboration. After cohort completion, members will gain access to the Community, which will serve as a platform to collaborate and solve cross-industry problems.

Q: Can I have more than 1 person from my company join the same cohort?
A: Yes, leaders from the same company can join the cohort.

Q: Who will be leading the month-to-month meetings?
A: The monthly meetings will be facilitated by Twisthink leaders Taryn Kutches, Lauren Seymour, and Jim Hotary.

Q: What will a typical agenda look like for the meetings?
A: Each cohort session will include 2 chapters of insightful content (trends, statistics, use cases, etc.) followed by a breakout discussion.

Q: What effort will be required in between the month-to-month meetings?
A: In between meetings, members will receive prompts in the form of ThoughtSparks and Mindsets. These are offline touch points that members can engage with on their own time. These require little effort as they serve to keep minds fresh and mining for insights in between meetings. Members will also have the option to participate in ideation sessions. These are 60-minutes on niche topics with less than 10 participants, and are offered to current cohort members, as well as past members.

Q: How much of my time will it take to participate?
A: Members will be required to attend three meetings held once a month. These are virtual 90-minute meetings via Zoom. Members can participate in monthly, virtual ideation sessions as well. These are 60-minutes and are optional. Members will also receive offline engagements in between meetings that require little time and can be completed independently.

Q: Will I have to share IP?
A: No, you will not be asked to share any intellectual property from your organization or any confidential information from past or current projects.

Q: What if our competitor is a part of the same cohort?
A: The purpose of the cohort is to learn and explore what trends are shaping industries outside of your own. You will NOT be asked or required to share confidential information from your organization.

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We would love for you to join us in our next Shared Spaces cohort.

Apply or learn more on the Shared Spaces page

IoT enables industries to work smarter, move faster, and optimize operations—all while paving the way for AI-driven innovation. Join us for a webinar on Tuesday, February 25th from 2-3 PM ET, where experts from Twisthink and AWS will share in-depth technical knowledge and real-world examples to help you build smarter, faster, and more resilient systems.